眼科視覺神經發展功能檢驗(NDVE)比常規的眼科檢驗更為深入。 It takes approximately 1 to 2 hours, it depends on the patient response for young patient it has to fast and fun. It is given by our vision specialist & therapist on a one-one basis with the patient. Parents are asked to wait in the reception area during this testing. At the completion of this testing, scores will be tabulated and then presented at a consultation (scheduled at a different time) with our Behavioural & Developmental Optometrist, the patient and/or the parents. Treatment options will be discussed.
由於眼科視覺神經發展功能檢驗 /咨詢/跟進評估需要花費壹定的時長。因此,我們衷心感激您能遵守我們的政策:不錯失預約或最後壹分鐘取消預約。 When scheduling, please make sure that this appointment does not conflict with any other appointments that you may have on that day. We require 48 hours notification of canceling the appointment so that we have sufficient time to fill your canceled time with other patients on our waiting list. There will be a RM100 charge for patient no-shows or cancel an appointment less than 48 hours of the appointment time. Any charges incurred by the patient for the missed appointment are the responsibility of the patient, parent or guardian.
Please keep in mind we are reserving an appointment for 40-90min(s) with our Vision Specialist & Therapist. Due to the length of this appointment, a payment of 50% of the total fee (RM100 for Follow Up Evaluation) is required to reserve your appointment. Payment is made through Paypal or local bank transfer (with the bank slip). Once you work out the best time for your appointment with our staff you will be sent a link to the Paypal page or bank information to make your payment.
作為全馬來西亞唯壹的眼科視覺神經發展功能視光師,Mr. Stanley致力為您提供最好的治療以確保最佳的效果。
神經視覺專科康復是壹個新興的領域。 由於這個領域會經常提供大量新的信息和研究,為了保持在這個領域領先的地位,並確保您得到最佳的治療。Mr. Stanley 不僅遍歷世界各地參加深造課程,並且盡可能帶他的視覺治療師壹起深造。
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