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Technology recently allowed researchers to switch from 2D to the Opti-Speech technology, which shows the 3D images of the tongue. Credit: University of Texas at Dallas A new study done by University of Texas (UT) at Dallas researchers indicates that watching 3D images of tongue movements can help individuals learn speech sounds. According to Dr. […]


Some people with Parkinson’s disease (PD) notice that as the disease progresses their vision loses sharpness or becomes blurred, and they have trouble with dry eyes. Difficulties related to the eyes and vision often progress alongside other PD symptoms. If you have PD, consider adding a neuro-opthalmologist to your medical care team. This is a […]

孩子也许已经准备好上学… 但是他准备好学习了吗?

As another school year rolls around I often wonder how many children come to school ready to LEARN? Most children are up to date on new school clothes, new backpacks and supplies, and physical check-ups. Many do not have one of the most essential needs covered…a comprehensive eye examination from an eye care practitioner? This […]


Humans view the world through two eyes, but it is our brain that combines the images from each eye to form a single composite picture. If this function becomes damaged, impaired sight can be the result. Such loss of visual function can be observed in patients who have suffered a stroke or traumatic brain injury […]


As parents, we want the best for our children. We want them to be safe, successful, and happy. But for the parent of a child with an undiagnosed functional vision problem, these goals can be frustratingly elusive. Typically, children who have an undiagnosed functional vision problem struggle with reading and writing. The frustrating part about […]


HEMIANOPIA(STROKE OF VIEW)Hemianopia, also known as Hemianopsia is loss of vision in either the whole left or the whole right half of the field of vision. The most common causes of this damage include the side effect of stroke, brain tumor, and trauma. Such vision loss could lead to inconveniences in life for instance problems […]


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