At Sun Time Vision Specialist Centre, our Vision specialist (Neuro-Developmental & Behavioral optometrist), Mr. Stanley is exciting to introduce the Color Light Therapy to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This Light therapy is helpful for people with vision problems as it uses different colors of light that are made to activate different parts of the eye and the brain to help them work better together.
Color Light Therapy is used as part of a vision therapy program. It is helpful for patients with vision problems such as: eye turns (Strabismus, Mata Juling 斗鸡眼), lazy eye (Amblyopia, Mata Malas 懒惰眼), restricted fields, learning related vision problems, dyspraxia and dyslexia (learning difficulties). Colour Light Therapy also helps to stabilize vision in patients with head injuries and strokes. In addition, it helps expand the visual field.
With Colour Light Therapy, we are able to help patients to overcome a variety of vision disorders, visual information processing problems and visual perceptual dysfunctions.
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